Govindpuri, Kalkaji, New Delhi, India

About Us

Shodh Patra aims at promoting the communication of scientific research in humanities and social sciences by focusing on fostering networking and collaboration among interest groups and professionals from different streams of science, policy makers, NGOs and industry and working in close collaboration with scientific organizations and the industry in development and implementation of innovative products & services.

Prominent emphasis is on acting as a common guiding platform for prospective students and researchers by organizing field projects such as workshops, seminars and lectures on recent advancements in scientific research and development in different fields, disseminating knowledge by publishing brochures, periodicals, and journals, creating an exclusive web site for the journal and regularly updating it with news of concerned fields, and navigate funds, endowments for the promotion of different scientific fields in our journal. At broader level journal aspire be able to spearhead the development of appropriate clinical and industry policies and standards.

Starting Year of publication : 2024
Frequency : Annual
Language of Publication : Multiple Language
Subject : Multidisciplinary
Publication Format : Online